Real Thor's Hammer: Engineer Builds Real-Life Version Of Mjölnir Only He Can Lift (VIDEO)

An engineer made a real-life version of Mjölnir, Thor's hammer, which is famous for being able to be wielded only by the worthy. A YouTuber, who goes by the name Sufficiently Advanced, has proven he is "worthy," if his latest video is anything to go by. He built a replica of the hammer that only responds to his touch and can only be lifted by its maker - much to the surprise of baffled onlookers in Venice Beach, Calif., according to CNET.

The "real" hammer is equipped with an electromagnet located in the head of the weapon. The electromagnet, which was taken from a microwave oven, is connected to four batteries and activates when anyone except Sufficiently Advanced grasps the handle. The magnets lock the hammer firmly to the ground when placed on a metal surface, according to Wired.

In order to turn off the electromagnet, the engineer fitted a fingerprint scanner on the weapon's handle and is programmed to accept only his thumbprint. Therefore, when he places his hands around the hammer, the fingerprint scanner authenticates his identity and deactivates the electromagnet, according to Yahoo.

The real Thor's hammer reminds us of the scene in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" where all the Avengers try lifting Thor's hammer and Tony Stark accuses the son of Odin of using a fingerprint scanner. Sufficiently Advanced has done exactly what Stark suspected.

Watch the video below:

Thor, Hammer, Engineer, Built, Build, Weapon, Video, California, Fingerprints, Tony Stark, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers, Youtube
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