Chinese Military Must Respond In Kind To U.S. Navy Provocations: Chinese Media

An editorial in the Global Times, a Chinese periodical that is closely linked to the ruling Communist Party, has slammed Washington for the U.S. military's provocations in the South China Sea on Thursday. According to the Chinese publication, the Chinese military must respond in kind if the U.S. does not cease its intervention in the disputed areas of the South China Sea, reports The Guardian.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter recently warned Beijing that Washington will continue sending its navy in the disputed areas of the South China Sea, since international law allows it. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has agreed with Carter, stating that her country and the U.S. are "on the same page," according to The Economic Times.

China however, claims the disputed areas in the South China Sea are part of its territory, and that the U.S. Navy's presence in the area is not only unwarranted - it is sheer coercion.

"Washington's ceaseless provocations and coercion can only demonstrate that it does not intend to protect freedom of navigation in this region, as China has clearly stated that the right will not be impeded," the editorial in the Global Times stated.

"In this case, China mustn't tolerate rampant U.S. violations of China's adjacent waters and the skies over these expanding islands. The Chinese military should be ready to launch countermeasures according to Washington's level of provocation," it added.

Tensions have recently risen in the disputed areas of the South China Sea, where China is in the process of building a number of artificial islands that the country claims will serve both civilian and military purposes. Other nations are also holding claims in the disputed area.

For more news about the South China Sea dispute, click here.

U.S. Navy, South China Sea, Military, U.S., China, Intervention, Dispute, Beijing, Washington, Navy, Australian, Australia