'Survivor' Season 32 SPOILERS: Cast For Next Season's 'Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty II' Revealed

Season 31 of "Survivor" only just started, but there has already been a ton of information released on Season 32, which is set to air February 2016. Season 32 will revisit the "Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty" theme from four seasons prior, and even though the cast members are complete strangers to most, their bios promise another intense and interesting season.

Season 32 "Survivor: Kohn Rong," also took place in Cambodia where the current "Survivor: Second Chance" season is (it has already been fully filmed), according to Inside Survivor. Filming took place between March and May 2015, just weeks before "Second Chance's" filming began. For this repeat theme, we will see 18 brand new contestants split up into three tribes based on their strength, intelligence, and aesthetics.

Inside Survivor not only released each contestant's tribe, but their full bios as well, so now you can get to know these future castaways before their season even airs.

The Brawn (Totang) tribe, who will wear red, is made up of 23-year-old realtor Alecia Holden, 22-year-old professional bodybuilder Cydney Gillon, 28-year-old possible postal service employee Darnell Hamilton, 38-year-old construction manager Jennifer Lanzetti, 30-year-old bounty hunter Kyle Jason and 40-year-old retired NBA player Scot Pollard.

The Brains (Chanloh) tribe will wear blue and is made up of 29-year-old social media manager Aubry Bracco, 49-year-old laser technician Debbie Wanner, 72-year-old former FBI special agent Joe Del Campo, 27-year-old quantitative strategist Liz Markham, 38-year-old CEO Neal Gottlieb, and 34-year-old ER physician Dr. Peter Baggenstos.

The Beauty (Gondol) tribe will wear yellow and is made up of 26-year-old professional poker player Anna Khait, 27-year-old former "Big Brother" contestant Caleb Reynolds, 19-year-old Boston University student Julia Sokolowski, 25-year-old travel consultant Michele Fitzgerald, 30-year-old former RHAP blogger Nick Maiorano and 51-year-old gardener Tai Trang.

As HNGN has previously reported, the climate conditions of Cambodia were some of the worst "Survivor" has ever seen. So far, there doesn't seem to be many serious problems on "Second Chance," but it looks like the cast of season 32 had some issues.

"We had three evacuations, the most ever in a season," executive producer Mark Burnett told The Hollywood Reporter. "It was the humidity, cuts, people getting infected and then trying so hard on the challenges. But we tend to show most things. As a producer you get worried, but [host] Jeff Probst runs the show, and I know if my phone's ringing at 3 or 4 a.m., it's Jeff and it's not a good phone call."

One of these evacuations happened to one of the contestants during filming due to heat exhaustion while the other two happened after they had already been eliminated, Inside Survivor learned. All three of the contestants were sent back early so they could recover in the U.S.

For the full contestant bios for "Sruvivor: Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty" click here!
