Texas: Rain From Hurricane Patricia, No Casualties

The surge of rain brought to Texas by Hurricane Patricia was finally cleared on Sunday without reports of confirmed deaths or severe destruction. However, other areas of Texas have been showered with over a foot of rain that locked down highways and derailed one train, according to Fox News.

The County Judge of Galveston previously required 4,000 homes to voluntarily evacuate to prevent injuries or casualties before the rain came in.

"We're going to stand down the emergency management operations and call it a day," Judge Mark Henry said, Fox News reported.

Some areas in Houston experienced heavy rains on Saturday afternoon until the early hours of Sunday.

"There will be localized flooding in Houston, primarily street flooding," Houston Mayor Annise Parker said, according to USA Today. She added that those who reside in Houston should also be "prepared to be patient."

Road closing was implemented in Houston due to floods and to avoid casualties. The weather service warned people that rushing flood water and vehicles often result to dangerous situations. Twelve inches of rain can manage to take away a small vehicle.

"Most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Never drive your vehicle into areas where the water covers the roadway," the weather service said, according to CNN.

A total of twenty inches of rain have fallen in Texas and an additional six to 12 inches are expected to follow.