Supermoon: Last Supermoon Of 2015 Expected Oct. 27

Tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 27, is the last night to catch a supermoon this year, according to Fox News.

A supermoon occurs when a full moon is closer to the Earth, appearing larger and more radiant.

Though the moon will probably not be as impressive as last month's, followers of astrology will note that the moon is in the sign of Taurus, according to the Elephant Journal.

"Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, is the planet of love and beauty-we will find these energies being stirred within our soul," wrote the journal. "Since this is the last in a series of three consecutive supermoons, and the last in a series of six we've seen this year, we are being presented with one last chance to make a big move."

The supermoon is also being called a Hunter's moon, since it is the first full moon after the harvest moon, according to

Star watchers should also be aware that another space phenomenon is set to happen this October as well. NASA is projecting an asteroid, TB145, to fly by our planet on Halloween, as previously reported by HNGN. Although the asteroid will be somewhat visible and "relatively close," it isn't expected to make a damaging impact on the Earth or moon.

Supermoon, 2015, October, Halloween, Asteroid, Full-moon, Earth, Moon, Venus, Space, Nasa, Astronomy