China Is Not Afraid To Engage In War With The U.S., States Chinese Media

China has stated that it is not afraid to engage the United States in war if the American armed forces refuse to discontinue their operations near the disputed islands in the South China Sea. According to Chinese officials, the activities of the American Navy's Freedom of Navigation program are "illegal," reports BBC News.

In response to the deployment of the USS Lassen, a guided-missile destroyer, the Chinese Global Times, a nationalistic publication, has issued a scathing criticism of the American Navy's actions in the disputed areas of the South China Sea.

"In face of the U.S. harassment, Beijing should deal with Washington tactfully and prepare for the worst. This can convince the White House that China, despite its unwillingness, is not frightened to fight a war with the U.S. in the region, and is determined to safeguard its national interests and dignity," the publication said.

The sentiments of the Global Times was reflected by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang, who stated that China would surely respond in kind to the any provocations that the U.S. will initiate, according to The Guardian.

"I advise the U.S. not to make a fool out of themselves in trying to be smart," Kang said.

For more news about the South China Sea conflict, click here.

China, U.S., War, South China Sea, Chinese, Beijing, Washington, White House, Us