‘Star Wars Episode 7’ RUMORS: Kylo Ren Turning to the Light Side?

Warning: The following contains possible spoilers for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

"Star Wars" fans are obviously excited for J.J. Abrams' "The Force Awakens" even though little is known about the actual story of the film. To figure out what is ahead, perhaps we should look at what is behind us.

The original "Star Wars" saga followed the gradual manipulation of a relatively good-hearted character (Anakin Skywalker) as he slowly turned to the Dark Side (Darth Vader) before eventually (somewhat) redeeming himself. To echo the previous films thematically while allowing the new trilogy to stand on its own, could Disney and Lucasfilm be inverting that formula this time around?

Star Wars News Net reported a very interesting, albeit unconfirmed, rumor along those lines yesterday.

"I have a friend who's an actor. He was approached by his agency and took part in a casting for dubbing of The Force Awakens. Obviously, he had to sign an NDA. The scene was blacked out and he could only see the dubbed character's head. He was trying to get a dark character's part.

"He only saw a brief scene (again, it was a casting) but from what he saw, he told me that the dark character might, for the first time ever, switch sides to join the light side. He said that it might happen, but the intent wasn't entirely clear."

Again, this is a second-hand report of an unconfirmed rumor that didn't even have anything to do with the final product. But let's play along for a moment.

The Dark Side-ish characters that we know about for sure in "The Force Awakens" are Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis), Chaptain Phasma (Gwendoline Christie) and General Hux (Domnhall Gleeson). Of those characters, Kylo Ren seems the most obvious choice to take on this long-reaching arc. Not only is Driver one of the more up-and-coming actors in Hollywood, but he's the only one of the four to be featured prominently in the promotional campaign for the film. Although he's been set up as the primary antagonist, it's more than possible that he comes around to the Light Side over the course of three films, especially if he has a unique tie to the original trilogy.

What do you think? Aimless report or breadcrumb of truth? Let us know in the comments below!

Star wars, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Episode VII, J.J. Abrams, Disney, LucasFilm, Kylo Ren, Adam Driver