Miley Cyrus Grinded On and Left With WHICH Sexy Blonde at Her 'Bangerz' Release Party? (PHOTO)

At her album release party for "Bangerz" on Oct. 8, an insider reveals that Miley Cyrus got cozy with a fellow blonde star that she reportedly left with, In Touch Weekly reports.

"They were all over each other," an eyewitness told In Touch. "She was grinding all over her and they were holding hands."

Cyrus was dancing with none other than Sky Ferreira, a fellow pop singer and model whose debut album, "Night Time, My Time," is due out Oct. 29.

Like Cyrus, Ferreira doesn't shy from her gritty public image, nor is she reluctant to bare all in photoshoots. Her recently released explicit album cover features the model topless in the shower, an image shot by Gaspar Noé, director of notoriously disturbing films "Enter the Void" (2009) and "Irreversible" (2002).

Cyrus has bared plenty of skin herself in similarly squirmy photoshoots with shock photographer Terry Richardson, the latest of which she proudly displays on her Twitter page.

Other women that Cyrus danced with the night of her album release party included Amazon Ashley, the woman that taught her how to twerk (and appeared in her "We Can't Stop" video and 2013 VMAs performance) as well as the rest of her crew, but the eyewitness insisted to In Touch that Cyrus seemed the most interested in Ferreira that night.

"The girl Miley was paying the most attention to was Sky Ferreira, definitely," said the source.

Last month, Ferreira was arrested for possession of ecstasy, her boyfriend, Zachary Cole Smith, found to be in possession of heroin, landing the two in the spotlight and causing fans to be concerned for Ferreira's well-being.

Cyrus has most recently been outspoken about her drug use, never shy about her love of marijuana and fascination with club drug Molly, which she sings about in her hit song "We Can't Stop."

The source claims that Cyrus and Ferreira danced until 4 a.m. before leaving together hand in hand, Cyrus "smiling from ear to ear."

PHOTO: Twitter

Miley cyrus