Fraternal Order Of Police: Quentin Tarantino Threatened, Says It Has A 'Surprise' Planned For 'The Hateful Eight' Director

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) said on Friday that it has something planned for Quentin Tarantino, after the director spoke out against police officers at a police brutality rally in New York City on Oct. 24.

"Tarantino has made a good living out of violence and surprise," said Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, according to The Hollywood Reporter. "Our offices make a living trying to stop violence, but surprise is not out of the question."

The FOP, which is based in Washington D.C., includes more than 330,000 full-time sworn officers. Pasco said the "surprise" is already "in the works" and will be an addition to the standing boycott of Tarantino's films, including the upcoming Samuel Jackson film, "The Hateful Eight."

"Something is in the works, but the element of surprise is the most important element," Pasco added. "The right time and place will come up and we'll try to hurt him in the only way that seems to matter to him, and that's economically."

Tarantino's remarks have caused major police unions across the nation - including in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago and Houston - to boycott the director.

Last month, at the police brutality rally in New York, Tarantino labeled police officers as "murderers," as HNGN previously reported. The director has since publicly clarified his remarks, saying that he is not against police, but against police killing unarmed men and women.

Actor Jamie Foxx, who starred in Tarantino's "Django Unchained," backed Tarantino at the Hollywood Film Awards. "Keep telling the truth and don't worry about none of the haters," Foxx said.

Quentin Tarantino, Police, Police Officers, Police brutality, The Hateful Eight, Comments, Jamie Foxx, Django unchained
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