Adrian Peterson Son Dies Update: Bobby Ruffin Claims He Raised Peterson’s Son, Bashes Athlete on Facebook?

In the middle of trying to deal with an unexpected death, Adrian Peterson is being attacked by the man who claims to have raised his two-year-old son. Bobby Ruffin, who claims he raised Peterson's late son, is speaking out and bashing the Minnesota Vikings running back.

According to TMZ, Ruffin lashed out on Facebook writing that he was "tired of the poor Adrian sh*t."

"So tired of this poor Adrian Peterson sh*t. Let me blow all your minds. The boy who died was my son," Ruffin reportedly posted on Facebook. "Yes A.P. was the biological father but I raised him and he carried my name. Tyrese Robert Ruffin. I don't blame AP for not really caring cuz him and I both found out recently who the biological father was.

AP met my son for the first time yest when my son was already in a coma. I was here today when we pulled the plug, not him. He was happily practicing and has no problem playing on Sunday. So yea this isn't all out yet but I'm sick of the poor AP sh*t. He didn't know or even meet my son. Sorry for the outburst but put yourself in my place."

TMZ reported that Peterson only found out about the little boy a couple months ago and was planning on vising Sioux Falls, South Dakota at the end of the month to meet him for the first time. When he learned that the toddler was in the hospital he reportedly dropped everything and jetted out to the hospital.

The first time Peterson actually met his son was at the hospital. Two days after the boy passed away the athlete returned to the football field explaining the decision to Fox Sports Laura Okmin that it would help him heal.

"My brother passed the night before the combine and I decided to go through with it. The same reason why I will play this week," he wrote. "You may ask why? God wants good to come from it.. We mourn and grieve but Heaven had the baddest welcome party for my son. That knowledge gives me peace. I'm still hurt and feel the pain of life, but I'm able to function because of the peace and joy of knowing my loved ones are in a much better place."

The man accused of assaulting Peterson's son, Joseph Patterson, was arrested on charges of battery of an infant and assault. He is reportedly being held on a $750, 000 cash bond.