Dead Babies Found In Germany By Police In Bavarian Apartment

Police discovered the bodies of seven babies at an apartment in a Bavarian town following reports of an initial finding from a concerned local, German authorities said Friday.

A local woman reportedly found the body of one the deceased infants Thursday afternoon at an apartment in Wallenfels, located near the Czech border, and decided to contact police, reported Reuters. Police soon arrived on the scene and found several more bodies strewn about the apartment wrapped in paper towels or plastic bags.

Police and prosecutors have come to the conclusion that there were seven bodies in total, police said in a statement. The bodies are being examined, but it will take some time due to their poor condition, and results aren't expected until the beginning of the next week, a police spokesperson added, according to the Daily Star.

Authorities are working to track down a 45-year-old woman who was identified as the property's former resident. Reports indicate that she, along with a male companion, had been living in the property but had recently separated. Several other people who live nearby or may have some connection with the missing woman are being questioned in the meantime.

It's unclear how long the babies had been dead, how they died or if anyone was living at the residence at the time of the discovery, according to the Associated Press.

The town has been left in a state of shock after the discovery. Mayor Jens Korn said, "This incident has occurred in this safe little world and now many people here are touched and sad about it."

Germany, Dead Body, Babies, Investigation, Plastic bag