'Pokemon GO' February Release Rumors: Fact Or Fiction?

Due to the forthcoming releases of "Pokemon Red," "Pokemon Blue" and "Pokemon Yellow" that are coinciding with the launch of the original series, as previously reported by HNGN, as well as a YouTube video released on an unofficial "Pokemon GO" channel, speculation about a February 2016 release date for "Pokemon GO" has been circulating, according to Moviepilot. Despite these rumors, Niantec, the game's developer, has remained quiet about a specific release date and given the short timeframe of a February release, it doesn't seem likely to happen.

"We are hard at work in our new San Francisco and satellite offices preparing for a series of massive, global Ingress events this fall, readying 'Pokémon GO' for launch next year, and extending our platform to support a variety of experiences that support our core values of exercise, discovery, and fun," the company said without any reference to a specific release for the game.

A three-month turnaround between a release announcement and a release data is unheard of; even Fallout 4 - which had a relatively short turnaround - still had five months between the announcement and its official release, according to Christian Today.

"Pokemon GO" is eagerly anticipated by fans due to its integration of mobile gaming and real-world interaction, according to Youth Health Magazine.

"The main point of 'Pokémon GO!' Plus is to naturally let players know that something is happening," said Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and CEO of The Pokemon Company. "The reason is that we want players to not just look at their phones or 'Pokémon GO!' Plus, but also focus on their surroundings in the real world."

Pokemon, Release, Rumor, February, Anniversary, Youtube, San francisco, Ingress, Fallout 4, Mobile gaming, Augmented reality, The Pokemon Company