Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert Intensely Debate Religion On ‘The Late Show’ (VIDEO)

Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert are very different men. Colbert is a married man who is open about his Catholic beliefs, while Maher is a famous atheist. The "Real Time" host sat down with Colbert and mocked people who believe in religion on "The Late Show" last night.

Maher was raised a Catholic like Colbert, who admitted that while he was a practicing Catholic, "It doesn't mean I'm good at it." He then attempted to bring back Maher to the side of God, but his plan did not work.

"Come on back, Bill," Colbert said. "The door is always open. Golden ticket, right before you. All you have to do is humble yourself before the presence of the Lord and admit there are things greater than you in the universe that you do not understand. Take Pascal's wager. If you're wrong, you're an idiot, but if I'm right, you're going to hell."

"I do admit there are things in the universe I don't understand, but my response to that is not to just make up silly stories, or to believe intellectually embarrassing myths from the Bronze Age, but you believe whatever you want to," Maher responded.

Colbert then rebutted that his religious beliefs made him feel a "connection" with his ancestors, to which Maher responded, "These were men who did not know what a germ or an atom was, or where the sun went at night, and that's where you're getting your wisdom. Anyway. But let's not argue."

"My religion teaches me humility in the face of this kind of attack," Colbert said to Maher as he smiled.

Check out the exchange between the two late-night hosts below:

Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, Bill Maher, Catholicism
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