Brussels police understand the importance of evolving technology and how with the internet, anything can be aired in real time, which could cause a hindrance to their anti-terror operations. With the Nov. 13 Paris attacks on their minds, Belgium asked that while police conduct anti-terror operations in Brussels on Sunday, that the Belgian citizens to please refrain from taking to social media with everything they hear and see, says Mashable. They asked for radio silence.
Police are asking the public not to report their movements on social media, please support & rt #BrusselsLockdown
— Steven Vandeput (@svandeput) November 22, 2015
Prime Minister Charles Michel said, "We fear an attack similar to the one in Paris."
And from this request comes the most ingenious idea yet. Users did indeed comply with police requests while Brussels was on the highest state of terror alert lockdown. To ease the tension felt since the Paris attacks, Belgian residents filled Twitter feeds with pictures of cats - keeping the hashtag #BrusselsLockdown. So far, more than 205 thousand tweets share that hashtag, as the response was overwhelming. Cat picture after cat picture filled the internet. Those that didn't have cats, found internet cats and meme cats to continue their media frenzy, which was an enormous success. People around the world got in on the action too, to show support and solidarity.
Don't worry super cat is here #BrusselsLockdown — Amit Bhat (@amitbhatr) November 22, 2015
Major police operation underway in #BrusselsLockdown — Harry Boone (@towersight) November 22, 2015
The pictures of adorable kittens, cats, cats dressed up, cat cartoons, cats as Jedi knights and superman (or supercat) filled the "Twitterverse," showing the lighter side of a nation uneasy, says International Business Times. As the police raids continued through the night in their city, the kitty images kept coming through.
My answer to terrorism! #BrusselsLockdown — L. De Beckker (@eLDeBe1) November 22, 2015
They got him #BrusselsLockdown — Geert Van Bondt (@Geertvanbondt) November 22, 2015
While following potentially dangerous leads, Brussels police were very successful in the operations with 16 arrests, while the residents of Belgium continued to send cat pictures, according the Bustle. The lockdown is expected to continue at least through Monday.
Tbf the very possible idea of angry, confused terrorists scrolling through the #BrusselsLockdown hashtag is making me quite happy right now — Daniel Roberts (@danroberts11) November 22, 2015
stay safe everyone #BrusselsLockdown
— Gilles aka Cake ∞ (@gillesakacake) November 22, 2015
Asked not to tweet details of anti-terrorism raids, Belgians tweet things like this instead: #BrusselsLockdown — max seddon (@maxseddon) November 22, 2015
Shark Warning in effect. #BrusselsLockdown — Cat Cosplay (@Cat_Cosplay) November 22, 2015
Residents told to stay away from windows. Not sure they got the message #BrusselsLockdown — Matteo Albania (@m_albania) November 22, 2015
Belgian cats keep calm and carry on. #BrusselsLockdown — Dave Sinardet (@DaveSinardet) November 22, 2015