Kylie Jenner Admits She Likes Caitlyn Better Than Bruce on 'Ellen' Show, Opens Up About Being Bullied (VIDEO)

While on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," which is set to air Monday, Kylie Jenner opened up about all of the most important things going on in her very public life from her boyfriend Tyga, to her father's transition, to being bullied her entire life. While these are all things we've heard the young reality star talk about briefly on her website or social media, and sometimes even her show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," it took a lot of courage for her to candidly discuss these topics for the world to see.

Her father, who was previously known as Bruce Jenner, made a very public transition to Caitlyn earlier this year and Kylie, 18, admitted that she did keep her emotions "bottled in" at first, which is unusual for the normally outspoken teen.

"I don't bottle in a lot of things and I feel like my family was a little upset about that, but I got through it and now I almost like it a lot better, honestly," she said. "I like [Caitlyn] better than Bruce." Now that Caitlyn is who she's always wanted to be though, Kylie finds that it's much easier to bond when it comes to things like makeup and clothes, but there's also this huge weight lifted off of their shoulders that makes their current relationship stronger than ever.

"I feel like there was always this big secret - and I've honestly known about it for a really long time and we actually caught him then dressing up as a girl, when my sister [Kendall] and I were like 6 and 7 maybe," she continued to say. "So we've known for a while that there was something, but it was never talked about."

Kylie has opened up about her father's transition in the past. Earlier this month, when Caitlyn, 66, accepted Glamour Magazine's Woman of the Year award, Kylie was there to support her. "I was a little scared because I didn't know how much would change," Kylie said at the time, as HNGN previously reported. "And it honestly feels like, besides appearance, nothing has changed. She's lived an amazing life, and she's always done amazing things. She's such a good role model for so many people, and I know she wants to do so much good with what she's doing."

Kylie continued to tell the host the same sort of thing and how she is so proud of her father for "living her true authentic self."

"I think that's so awesome and I think that other girls and boys my age will maybe see that I'm so accepting and be accepting of other people, too," she said. "She's the same exact person, she just looks different I guess."

Growing up in the public eye isn't always as easy and glamorous as it seems, either, and Kylie continued to tell the host how she's been bullied pretty much her entire life, which is something she's been extremely vocal about. She recently launched an Instagram anti-bullying campaign "I Am More Than" in which she shares photos and stories about people who have been bullied and turns it into something positive while encouraging others to do the same.

"The more people love you, the more there's going to be people that hate you," she explained. "I've been bullied my whole life, whether it was about my peers or comments on Instagram or Twitter, whatever. And I never talked about my story really, I feel like I've kind of accepted it because I realized that it just comes with the territory. So I kind of was online and just finding other girls and boys my age who have been bullied and have kind of overcome it and just done something amazing with it who inspire me, so I kind of wanted them to just use my platform and post their stories on Instagram to hopefully inspire my followers too because they inspire me so much."

Kylie Jenner, Bruce Jenner, Ellen DeGeneres, The Ellen Degeneres Show, Kendall Jenner, Tyga
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