
Jeff Zucker Running For New York Mayor? CNN President Says It's Possible

CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker revealed to Buzzfeed's Ben Smith Thursday at The Paley Center for Media that he is open to running for mayor of New York. The question came up in reference to a 2014 New York Magazine report that had hinted at his political ambitions.

"I would still think about that, yeah," Zucker said when asked if he would consider running for elected office, according to CNN Commentary.

"Mayor of New York?" Smith asked to confirm.

"See, you have a lot of opinions. I would consider anything," replied Zucker, according to TV Newser.

Bill de Blasio, New York's current mayor, is on low approval ratings right now, with a Wall Street Journal-NBC4 New York-Marist poll finding that only 38 percent of registered voters approved of his performance, reported CBS News.

Elections for the post of Mayor of New York are slated for 2017, and de Blasio has already announced that he would run.

Cnn, Buzzfeed, New York, Bill de Blasio
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