Ryan Adams And Mandy Moore Divorce: Couple Battling Over Their Pets, Moore Demanding Over $30K In Monthly Spousal Support (REPORT)

Mandy Moore filed for divorce from Ryan Adams almost a year ago, but the proceedings are at a standstill as the couple battles it out over their pets.

The couple has six cats and two dogs, and they are currently still in Moore's possession and she's not happy about this because Adams reportedly promised to take at least two of the cats when they decided to split and hasn't kept his promise, according to Gossip Cop. The 31-year-old singer is now demanding that Adams accept joint ownership of their eight pets, even though it is unclear if she has a specific combination of animals in mind.

Moore is also filed new documents because they have been unable to agree on a settlement since Adams, 41, won't pay spousal support beyond splitting their mortgage, TMZ reported. Since Adams earns $151,000 per month and she only earns about less than a quarter of that, she is requesting that he pay her $37,000 a month until they sort out the divorce terms.

The two announced their divorce back in January about six years of marriage. They got married in March 2009 just four weeks after they had announced their engagement, according to People. "Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams have mutually decided to end their marriage," their rep said in a statement. "It is a respectful, amicable parting of ways and both Mandy and Ryan are asking for media to respect their privacy at this time."

It had been revealed later that month that they had been living separate lives for a long time before filing the divorce papers. "They split forever ago," a source told People at the time. "Their friends all knew. They honestly hadn't seen each other in forever. There came a point where they almost never did. She got married so young and even though the age difference wasn't huge, it was still tough on the relationship. They really were just two very different people. He's such an introvert and she may not want her life out there every day, but she's so sweet and friendly and social. Total opposites."

Ryan Adams
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