
Sotheby’s Lists Customized Product (RED) Mac Pro For An Upcoming Charity Auction

Auction house Sotheby's has added the latest customized Product (RED) Mac Pro by Apple head of Human Interaction Jony Ive and designer Marc Newson, for an upcoming charity auction with an estimated price tag between $40k-$60K.

Apple is a big contributor of Product (RED) charity and has donated over $65 million toward the battle against AIDS. The tech giant has a dedicated page on its official site that lists all (RED) accessories and part of its profit goes to the foundation. Now, Apple head of Human Interaction, Jony Ive, and designer Marc Newson have designed a one-off Mac Pro for the (RED) foundation. The customized version of the unreleased Mac Pro will be auctioned off by Sotheby's in an upcoming charity auction.

Sotheby's has listed the "selected and customised" Apple desktop on its website with an estimated $40,000-$60,000 price tag. But the price is expected to go beyond the estimated price range. The Lot 27 will be auctioned at the upcoming charity auction, November 23, 2013, alongside Ive's one-off Leica M digital rangefinder, pair of solid rose gold earpods and other listed products.

Apple announced that the latest Mac Pro is set for a December release date, and will start at $3000. The device will sport an Intel E5 Xeon, dual AMD FirePro D300 graphics cards, 12GB of DRAM and a 256GB SSD. It has an impressive unified thermal core and anodized aluminum to stick to the company's signature look and feel. The (RED) version of the Mac Pro appears to have a similar structure with the only difference being it is anodized in red, like all Product (RED) devices offered by Apple. Not many details of the Mac Pro are available. But it is safe to assume it will at least feature similar key specifications.

The charity event, titled "Jony and Marc's (RED) Auction," will donate funds toward the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria around the world.

Lists, Product, Red, Mac, Pro, Upcoming, Charity
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