Baby Elephant Playfully Enjoys Bath Time Until Mom Stops His Fun (VIDEO)

Babies and bath time go hand in hand. There is something wonderfully calming and fun about water that fascinates babies and brings playfulness to them.

So take a baby elephant, just a tiny little guy, and film his bath time at Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park. We know how much elephants enjoy playing in the water, according to Mashable. And when you put a baby elephant in the water for his bath time, the cuteness is so sweet it will make your cheeks hurt from smiling, until his fun-buster mom comes in and makes him get out of his waterhole.

Not ready for the bath time to end, the little scamp eludes his mother's nudges and gets back in, tumbling head first in zany baby like fashion, according to One Green Planet.

He is no match for her, though, and that trunk would be handy for any parent, Business Insider noted, as mom finally steers her headstrong little guy out.

Moms can be like that. Take time to smell the roses and enjoy your little guy taking a bath while he is still little, momma elephant, because it won't be long before he is grown and the innocence isn't there any longer.

The silliness is all caught on video by a tour guide at The Hide Safari Camp, and we are so grateful to see the mother and baby in the wild and catch a glimpse at the simple moment between a silly baby and his mother.

Elephant, Baby Elephant, Water, Playful, Bathtub