Hoverboard Incidents Investigated By Feds

It looks like there's more bad news for hoverboards and their creators. After a string of hoverboard incidents involving injuries and fires made headline news in recent weeks, federal officials are stepping in.

At least 12 hoverboard incidents are currently under investigation by the federal government, according to CNN. It is being considered a "priority investigation" by officials, according to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission spokeswoman Patty Davis.

Reports started flooding in in August about emergency-room visits by hoverboard users, according to the Washington Post. People were falling off of these devices and suffered from minor injuries. However, the Consumer Product Safety Commission began receiving reports of fires that became much more serious. They soon began to take extreme notice.

These devices have begun to disappear from websites like Amazon and Overstock.com, according to USA Today. They've also been banned from airlines such as American Airlines, Delta, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines.

The investigation by federal officials includes testing of new hoverboard models, as well as those that were involved in the reported incidents, according to CNN.

The devices have also been deemed illegal to ride in public in places like the UK, according to CNN. They are illegal to ride in New York City as well.

Hoverboards, Amazon, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission