
Middle Eastern Woman Caught Making Detailed Sketches Of U.S. Facility In Mexican Border (BREAKING)

Leila Abdelrazaq, a 23-year-old Middle Eastern woman, has been caught surveilling a U.S. port of entry on the Mexican border. After being found by federal officers, it was discovered that she was holding a sketchbook which contain Arabic writing and drawings of the facility and its security system, according to Judicial Watch.

Together with Abdelrazaq are two other people, Gabriel Schivone, a 31-year-old man, and Leslie Mcafee, a 28-year-old woman. The trio were reported to have been observing the facility.

When they were intercepted by the authorities, Abdelrazaq simply stated that she was making drawings of the Port of Mariposa run by the Customs and Border Patrol "because she's never been to the border before," reports The Conservative Angle.

Schivone, one of the woman's companions, further stated that he was there "just looking around."

According to the federal officers' report of the incident, Abdelrazaq resisted giving her sketches to the officers because she "would rather not."

"During the inspection of the Abdelrazaq sketching book, CBPOs noticed the book contained writings in English and Arabic language. There were drawings of what appeared to be vehicle primary inspection area and an additional drawing of pedestrian turnstile gate depicting video surveillance cameras above the gate," the federal report further said, according to WND News.

Though the incident could be just as the trio stated - that they were just looking around - it nonetheless fuels some apprehension about possible links with hostile jihadist organizations, which, if linked with Mexican drug cartels, could result in a devastating attack on American soil.

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Breaking, Woman, Facility, Mexican drug cartels, Attack
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