Minnesota Bank Robber Runs Past Reporter On Live TV

Reporter Adam Sallet, working for Iowa-based KIMT News 3, was doing a live report outside the Sterling State Bank in Rochester on Tuesday when a bank employee ran up and interrupted the report, pointing out a bank robbery suspect who had just fled the scene, according to WLOX.

"It's that guy right there," the bank employee said. Sallet seemed to be doing the report solo, having set up his own video and audio equipment, and while confused for a seeming instant, Sallet takes it in stride, replying, "Oh, that's the robber! This is live TV, folks! That's the robber [that] just went by according to the bank employee. So, I got to go here and call 911. I'll talk to you later," CBS Minnesota reported. Sallet runs out of camera shot, and the video ends.

To make matters even more odd, the initial report Sallet was filming was about a bank robbery that had occurred at that bank just one day prior.

Police have spotted the suspect's vehicle on U.S. Highway 52. The 36-year-old suspect was pulled over south of Minneapolis and arrested, according to KIMT.

He has been identified as Ryan Liskow and is suspected of robbing the bank two days in a row, according to the police Capt. John Sherwin, presenting a note and escaping with the money in both cases, the Inquisitr reported. "Similar clothing, similar build, same method-he provided a note similar to Monday's note asking for money," said Lt. Mike Sadauskis of the Rochester Police Department. "We had corroborating information over the last 24 hours so we believe we know who it was, and it is in fact that person."

KIMT later released the video showing the suspect entering and leaving the bank.

It is not known whether Liskow brought a weapon to the scene, but if so, he may be charged with aggravated robbery, in which he "may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 20 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $35,000, or both."

Minnesota, Bank robbery, Bank, Robber, Theft, Burglary, Rochester, Iowa, December
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