Jared Fogle Transferred To Colorado Federal Prison

Former Subway representative Jared Fogle will be transferred to the Federal Correctional Institution Englewood in Littleton, Colo., to serve his prison sentence. He had been in the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City after being transferred from the Henderson County Detention Center in Kentucky, where he had awaited the Bureau of Prisons to grant his request for his latest transfer, according to the Associated Press.

Now, Fogle will reside in FCI Englewood where he will receive psychological treatment. The prison is described as a low-security institution with an adjacent minimum security satellite camp and detention center. It houses 966 federal prisoners, among them notorious inmate former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who has been there since 2012 after being convicted on charges of corruption.

Fogle was sentenced to 15 years and 8 months in prison last month after he pleaded guity to charges of child pornography and crossing state lines to have sex with underage prostitutes, reported FOX's Denver affiliate KDVR-TV. Fogle's attorneys asked for a five-year sentence while prosecutors asked for 12.5 years.

I take full responsibility for what I have done," Fogle said in court. "Not a day will go by where I won't think of [the victims]. I hope the restitution will help in their lives."

In the meantime, Fogle is in the process of appealing his sentence, which goes beyond the prosecution's recommendation, according to USA Today.

Records show a release date of July 11, 2029. Federal prisoners can leave early once at least 85 percent of their sentence is complete.

Subway, Court, Appeal, Prison, Colorado, Oklahoma, Psychology