Giraffe Born At Natura Artis Zoo (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The Netherlands' Natura Artis Magistra Zoo welcomed a newborn reticulated giraffe Nov. 30, the third one born at Natura Artis this year, and the delightful boy is about as darling a little creature as we have ever seen.

Full of kisses for everyone, as evident in his baby pictures, the new male calf was born to a 5-year-old reticulated giraffe who was also born at Natura Artis, said ZooBorns. This is her second child and zookeepers said her maternal instinct was there from the moment she saw him. He is doing fabulously with the rest of the tower (a giraffe herd) at Natura Artis.

Reticulated giraffes, like this handsome little guy, are listed as "vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Giraffe, Zoo, Africa, Somali, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Netherlands, Poaching, Baby animals, Baby Giraffe