‘Doctor Strange’: Marvel President Kevin Feige On Benedict Cumberbatch's Superpowers

Yesterday, Marvel released the first images of Benedict Cumberbatch as the Sorcerer Supreme in "Doctor Strange." As promised, the visual aesthetic comes across as psychedelic and colorful, exactly like the original comics. Marvel has long been touting this film as a departure from the standard formula, and now Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has revealed what superpowers we can expected Strange to wield in the movie.

"He can do a whole host of things, eventually," Feige told Entertainment Weekly. "He does cast spells, which in the comics have very sort of tongue-twisty fun names. We don't want to shy away from that, because that's what makes Doctor Strange Doctor Strange. He has a cloak of Levitation that allows him to fly, but he doesn't fly like Superman or like Thor. It's almost got a consciousness of its own, this cloak, which, again, gives us a superhero with a red cape - which we've seen a few times - but allows us to do it in a wholly unique and wholly original way. He can create portals that will open before your eyes that he can step through and go to other places around the world. And frankly, even in this film, we'll only touch upon what a lot of his powers are."

Feige also discussed The Eye of Agamotto, an artifact of great power from the original material.

"The Cloak of Levitation and the Eye of Agamotto are his two signature pieces," he said. "In this film, the Eye is a very important relic that can be quite dangerous if used in the wrong hands, because it has the ability to do any number of things, the most dangerous of which is, it can sort of manipulate probabilities. Which is also another way of saying, 'screw around with time' - which is part of our story."

Interesting. We still don't know much in the way of plot for "Doctor Strange," but we do know that it boasts an all-star cast. Cumberbatch will be joined by Chiwetel Ejifor as Bardon Mordo, Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One and, in undisclosed roles, Rachel McAdams, Michael Stuhlbarg, Mads Mikkelsen and more.

"Doctor Strange" will hit theaters on Nov. 4, 2016.

Marvel, Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch, Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams