"Star Wars Episode 7" production has reportedly announced they will be casting for the film in Los Angeles and London.
According to the FeatureFilmCasting.com, the casting directors are looking for lead and supporting roles.
"Extras casting will take place throughout filming. The stand-ins for the film's stars will be cast closer to the start of filming. Extras casting calls will be posted here as they are announced," FeatureFilmCasting.com reports.
On Nov. 5, a twitter account @UKopencall listed multiple Disney casting sheets for a "major movie." The casting sheets list specific characters, but could be pseudonyms for "Star Wars" names, which are unique and would draw attention. Check out the tweets below.
@LAMDAdrama Auditions for new Disney Movie start Saturday in Bristol. Next up is Manchester, Glasgow, Dublin and LDN pic.twitter.com/T6TVmuqLGb
— Claire Curry (@UKopencall) November 4, 2013
Only 4 Days until we come to Bristol to start off the Disney Open Auditions! We're all very excited here. pic.twitter.com/6TF5ckBQB2 — Claire Curry (@UKopencall) November 5, 2013
Director J.J. Abrams recently talked to The Times U.K. about "Star Wars Episode 7," but refused to comment about movie casting. However, he did explain his love for the "Star Wars" franchise and what the story means to him.
"I loved how Star Wars had that sense of a world far beyond the borders of what you can see and have been told. It's one of the things it did so brilliantly. If you watch the first movie, you don't actually know exactly what the Empire is trying to do. They're going to rule by fear - but you don't know what their end game is," Abrams told the Times.
"You don't know what Leia is princess of," Abrams added. "You don't yet understand who Jabba the Hutt is, even though there is a reference to him. You don't know that Vader is Luke's father, Leia is his sister - but the possibility is all there. The beauty of that movie was that it was an unfamiliar world, and yet you wanted to see it expand and to see where it went."
Which cast members would like to see return to the "Star Wars" franchise? Tell us in the comments section below.