National Bubble Bath Day: Relax And Reap The Benefits From This Decadent Treat

Oh you decadent bubble bath, how we love you so. Happy National Bubble Bath Day, which is celebrated around the world on Jan. 8. Be sure to celebrate with a bath of epic proportions. Celebrate with the most fabulous candle you own, the most delicious bubble bath you own, favorite music softly playing, a glass of wine and climb in. If you have someone to join you, bonus! Bubble baths are fun for sure, as they are stress busting, calming, pampering, but did you know that there are actually benefits in this delicious treat? So enjoy your bath, you deserve it.

Warm baths have been enjoyed for thousands of years, according to Punch Bowl, with the ancient Romans making this ritual part of their daily routines. They included hot tubs, saunas and a cold pools, depending on the mood and need. Americans took it a notch lower, apparently, with the average American taking a bath usually once a week, until the late 1940s. Now-a-days, we shower daily and indulge in the glorious bubble bath when the time allows, but it is time to make that more frequent.

Bubble baths open our pores, cleanse the skin and relax the mind and muscles. Relaxation is definitely the name of the game when it comes to bubble baths. You will always be less stressed when you get out of the bath than when you got in; that's an understatement. Sinking into the bath at the end of the day unwinds you and lets your stresses sail away with each decadent bubble.

A surefire recipe for relaxation is to add to your bath; drop two drops of cedarwood essential oil, two drops of lavender and two drops of bergamot to the warm water. The aroma that these create together in the water will make you drift off to la-la land with not a care in the world, Cosmopolitan noted.

A bubble bath is also a natural sleep inducer, according to The Huffington Post. By increasing your body's temperature in the warm water, when you exit the bath, the sudden return to a cooler state induces your brain to release melatonin, getting you prepped for bedtime.

Do you have a cold? A warm bubble bath will help relieve your symptoms, as the steam from the water moisturizes your nasal passages and helps relax those sore achy muscles.

Bubbles, Relaxation, Wine
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