Kylie Jenner is no stranger to sparking controversy, and her latest Snapchat video with an e-cigarette has everyone talking.
The 18-year-old reality star uploaded a video on Thursday night of her smoking what looks like a vape and blowing pretty perfect rings of smoke in the passenger seat of the car with her best friend Jordyn Woods. And judging by the O's it doesn't look like this is the first time she's done this.
She posted another video of she and Woods singing along to some songs while Woods is driving and recording at the same time, which is something Jenner has been slammed for doing in the past.
The video adds speculation to a controversy that was sparked last May about her habits when she posted a video eating a biscuit from Popeye's and several fans believed she said, "I'm high as f--k," according to Entertainment Weekly. Others believe it's hard to understand exactly what she was saying, and Jenner even took to Twitter to shut down the marijuana rumors.
"I did a Snapchat saying my chicken was 'good as f--k' eating Popeyes for the first time and apparently people think I said 'high as f--k,'" she tweeted at the time. "I did NOT say that." She then added, "Sorry to disappoint everyone who thinks I'm this wild child. The media is mean and I try not to look at it."
A video posted by Kylie Jenner Snapchats (@kylizzlesnapchats) on Jan 7, 2016 at 2:38pm PST