Chipotle Closing In February To Make Way For Company-Wide Meeting

It seems like popular Mexican food chain Chipotle is set on reclaiming its lost reputation as fast as possible. Chris Arnold, the restaurant's spokesman, has stated that Chipotle will be closing its stores for a few hours on Feb. 8 in order to make way for a company-wide meeting about food safety, according to the New York Daily News.

Arnold said that the massive meeting would involve all the restaurant's staff from all of its departments. A number of pertinent, urgent issues are also set to be discussed, including steps that the Mexican food joint is to take to prevent any more E.coli outbreaks.

"We want to thank our teams for all of their hard work, to discuss some of the changes we are making to enhance food safety, to talk about the restaurants role in all of that and to answer questions from employees," Arnold said, according to The Chicago Tribune.

Chipotle's sales figures have taken a massive low after a number of alarming outbreaks that were connected to the restaurant last year. Ultimately, Chipotle was forced to close locations in Washington and Oregon.

It wasn't just the company's sales figures that suffered due to the health scandals, however, as Chipotle's stocks have also taken a grave blow, plunging 42 percent in the last three months, CNN Money reported.

The company-wide meeting is just one of the steps that the popular food chain is taking in order to reclaim the reputation it has lost. Steve Ells, CEO of Chipotle, has stated that the company is set to embark on a massive advertising campaign to attract customers once more.

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Chipotle, Spokesman, E. Coli, Washington, Oregon, CEO