
'Science Hunk' Rescues Struggling Fawn (VIDEO)

The Internet has come up with a name for the good Samaritan who rescued a distressed fawn from a fracking pond: Science Hunk! The man, Zach, jumped into the pond to rescue the fawn who had wandered in and couldn't get out, reported the Dodo.

The video of the rescue, posted by YouTube user Jaclyn B, is pretty adorable. Watch below as Zach grabbed the fawn, hoisting her up the slippery sloped sides of the artificial pond, speaking words of encouragement to the animal. "You got it! There ya go! It's OK, pal," said Zach.

The video's caption explains that Zach was collecting samples from the pond when he and his friend noticed the struggling fawn. The video has been seen more than 200,000 times, and many commenters are extremely taken with the shirtless rescuer, reported the Daily Mail. He's been called Bambi's savior, and many commenters have quipped that they wouldn't mind having him rescue them.

Just another day in the life of Science Hunk!

Fracking, Fawn, Deer, Video, Science
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