'SWAT Cat': Boston Police Department's Adopted Feline Returns After Two Months

The once reportedly lost "SWAT Cat" of the Boston Police Department has finally returned after being away for almost two months.

The female cat has been the unofficial mascot of the police department since it started lingering by the headquarters in Warren St., Roxbury, in 2013. However, in late November 2015, the black, white, and orange feline was nowhere to be found, prompting the police officers to start a search operation for the lost kitten through bulletins and social media posts, according to Fox News.

Photos of the cat lounging on the hood of an armored vehicle circulated sites in hopes that someone might have seen the beloved cat and could relay information.

Police officers have been fearing about the whereabouts of their adopted cat, scared that it might be injured or worse, dead. That was why Boston police officers were happy to see the cat come back to the headquarters on Jan. 14.

"The team is very excited, very happy that she's OK," Boston Police Department spokesperson Rachel McGuire said, AOL reported. "You never know what could happen in the city so the fact she returned safely is wonderful."

Whatever happened to the cat while it was away from the headquarters remain a mystery to everyone, but the details do not matter that much to the officers, who are just happy the feline has come back relatively healthy and remained safe all the time it was away.

The "SWAT Cat" has been well taken care of since being adopted, being spayed, vaccinated and micro-chipped through the efforts of all the members of the Boston Police Department. They even built a home for her near the equipment area of the station - a kennel with a special heating pad and a food bowl, NBC News reported.

SWAT, Boston