San Francisco Hosts Internet Cat Video Festival: Several Thousand Signed Up So Far

Cats and the Internet go hand in hand. We love cats. No one is more loyal or committed to their furry friends than cat people; just ask any crazy cat lady. So surprise, surprise, thousands have signed up already for San Francisco's Internet Cat Video Festival at the Yerba Buena Center for the Art scheduled for Jan. 21 through Jan. 24, according to The Next Web. That's right, more than 100 cat videos, from Vines to YouTube clips and documentaries- enough cat videos to make even the finickiest cat fancier delighted.

Think this Lil Bub video will make the cut?

"All new! All cats! All crazy! Organized by the Walker Art Center, the Internet Cat Video Festival is an offline celebration of online cat videos. Curated by Will Braden, the creator of the Henri Le Chat Noir videos, this all-new program contains everything from six second Vine videos to short dramas and documentaries - over 100 videos in all. Join your fellow cat lovers for this celebration of hilarious, odd, and downright adorable videos," the Yerba Buena Center of the Arts said on its website.

With seven shows, there will be plenty of time to see videos of Lil But, Grumpy Cat and others, according to Ecorazzi. Just try to pick a favorite.

Grumpy Cat, Youtube, Vine, Cat video, San francisco, California, Cats, Cat, Kitten, Kittens