Yasutaro Koide, the world's oldest man, died this morning in Japan after succumbing to chronic heart problems, according to USA Today.
Yasutaro Koide, Guinness' oldest living man, dies at 112 https://t.co/fVqV9WuqsI pic.twitter.com/K1J6icKRrx
— CNN (@CNN) January 19, 2016
Koide was born in March of 1903. He died in a hospital in Nagoya.
His death came just several months after he was presented the Guinness world tittle of world's oldest man.
"I felt very honored that I have had a chance to meet Mr. Yasutaro Koide last summer, surrounded by his warm family and relatives," said Vice President Erika Ogawa of Guinness World Records Japan. "The stories of his adolescent years encouraged all of us who were there. I would like to express my sorrow and condolences to him and his family."
Koide said that his secret to longevity lied in not smoking, drinking or "overdoing it," according to the Associated Press.
Last year's oldest man was Sakari Momoi, who was also from Japan and also 112, as previously reported by HNGN.
With Koide's passing, a new oldest man will be announced, and sources claim that 111-year-old Masamitsu Yoshida is a contender for the title.
The oldest person in the world, however, is Brooklyn, New York's Susannah Mushatt Jones who is 116 years old, according to CNN.
The oldest person to ever be officially recognized was from France. Jeanne Clament died in 1997 after living for 122 years.