Jennifer Lawrence Will Play Fidel Castro’s Love Interest In ‘Marita’

Academy Award winner, current nominee and all-around awesome person Jennifer Lawrence has officially signed on to her next project, "Marita." "Marita" will focus on Marita Lorenz, the real life former lover and would-be assassin of Fidel Castro, according to The Hollywood Reporter. With a description like that, it's no wonder that her life is being turned into a movie.

The film comes from "American Hustle" co-writer Eric Warren, but it is not the first time Lorenz's story has been told. The 2001 documentary "Dear Fidel" covered the major beats and perfectly sums up the amazing story with its official description:

"Dear Fidel...With these words Marita Lorenz begins her letter to the Cuban leader in the spring of 2000. She met him as a nineteen-year-old on board the Berlin where her father was captain. They began an affair and she became pregnant by him. After eight months of passion Fidel Castro lost interest in her and Marita was given another shock when, in her sixth month, she was forced to undergo an abortion. She meant nothing to Fidel anymore but she attracted the attention of the CIA. However, Marita did not fulfil her task - to kill Castro. Nevertheless, she continued working for the American government. There then followed a series of colourful episodes - an affair with a former Venezuelan dictator, involvement in the Watergate scandal, a secret mission during which she met Lee Harvey Oswald, later accused of assassinating president Kennedy, espionage for the FBI, contact with Mafia bosses..."

Sony Pictures is developing "Marita" (as well as Lawrence's upcoming sci-fi thriller "Passengers" with Chris Pratt), and has set Matt Tolmach to produce. Following the recent lifting of long-standing embargos, "Marita" may actually film in Cuba itself.

Jennifer Lawrence, Fidel castro, American Hustle, Chris Pratt, Passengers, Sony Pictures
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