Stephen Colbert Gives Touching Tribute To Glenn Frey (VIDEO)

Following the passing of Eagles co-founder Glenn Frey on Jan. 18, "The Late Show" host Stephen Colbert paid tribute to the guitarist by sharing a personal story about an important moment in his life.

"I just want to take a moment to thank Glenn Frey for what he gave me. And this is what he gave me: The song 'Desperado,'" Colbert said on his show Tuesday night.

"The first slow dance I ever danced to was to 'Desperado.' It was the eighth grade dance at our local little club," he continued. "I didn't dance with anybody all night long until the very last song, and I found myself over on the girls' side. And the DJ goes 'It's our last song, and it's a slow one.' And he puts on 'Desperado,' which is the perfect last song at an eighth grade dance when you have danced with no one. Because I was the desperado."

Colbert told his audience that a girl that he liked named Dolly Lockwood loved the song. When she said she loved the Eagles' song, it gave him the courage to ask her to dance. Dolly agreed to dance with Colbert, and he said it changed his life.

"It was one of the sweetest, most beautiful experiences of my life," admitted Colbert. "And that day, I took a small, very small step toward manhood - and I don't think I would've reproduced by now if that song hadn't played that night....and that would not have happened without Glenn Frey."

Watch Colbert tell the sweet tale below:

Eagles, The Eagles, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show
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