Murdock the pit bull was born with an eye condition that has left him mostly blind. He's only 11 months old and was luckily taken in by the Fresno Bully Rescue, a no-kill shelter that specializes in bully breeds, including pit bulls, staffordshires, bulldogs and bull terriers.
His foster mother, Noelani Guerrero, has five "bullys" from the shelter and was taking care of Murdock while he found a forever home. While doing so, she posted many videos and photos of the lovable pup on her Instagram and Twitter, showing the world that his blindness didn't impede him from living a fun and very happy life, according to The Dodo.
— Noelani G (@noelaniig) November 24, 2015
His happy life is sure to continue now that he's been adopted into a forever home. Guerrero interviewed the family extensively, conducting a home check. The family did tons of research about owning a blind dog, and they have two other dogs, one of which knows how to herd, which will help Murdock learn to get around their house. The husband has even taken the month off from work to get to know Murdock and help him acclimate, Guerrero said on Twitter. The new family has even made Murdock an Instagram so we can all keep in touch with him! Be sure to follow him at @murdockthepit.
So happy for #MurdockThePit
— Noelani G (@noelaniig) November 29, 2015
Another happy ending thanks to people making sure to #adoptnotshop!