Newborn Baby: 7 Big Tips For Visiting Moms With New Baby

The arrival of a newborn baby is always an exciting time and the parents are likely eager to show off their newest family member. If you're planning to pay a visit, some rules should be observed because having a baby can be a tense time too, especially for first time parents. Take a moment to go over these tips before visiting a mom who just had her baby:

1) Wait to be invited to their home.

New moms have a lot to deal with, so dropping unannounced to surprise her can only add to the the pressure. Wait for an invitation to visit, but go ahead and send a card or gift to congratulate the parents on their new arrival.

2) Don't overstay your welcome.

You're not supposed to hang around with the new mom all afternoon, as they won't have the time and energy for chats. They also won't have time to eat with you or serve you drinks and food, so don't expect to be entertained like a guest. Make your visit pleasant and short.

3) Be in the best health.

Ideally, babies have most of their vaccine shots at two months, but if you're visiting before that, make sure that you're not carrying any virus or germs. Their immune systems are still developing, so be on the safe side and resist kissing the baby or holding her hand. You also shouldn't bring other kids with you when you visit, according to Huffington Post. Save the playdates for when the newborn is a lot older.

4) Offer your services.

If you're heading to the store, make a thoughtful gesture and ask if the new mom needs anything. She'll likely want something she can't get to yet, given all the attention given to the baby. You could also offer to help with a chore like washing the dishes when you visit. However, do ask carefully as some mothers might take this to mean you're hinting their house is a mess and you're making them feel guilty about it, according to the Australian Breastfeeding Association.

5) No photos, selfies, or group shots.

As much as you're eager to share the newborn's photo to friends and family, the mom might not be too thrilled about the idea. You are there to keep her company, not do a photo op.

6) Wait to be asked to carry the baby.

If she's nursing, sleeping or upset, or if the mom isn't willing to have anyone else cuddle the baby, be understanding and considerate. Your visit should be focused on the mom. Lend a good ear and congratulate her for doing a great job, according to Mother Mag.

7) Don't forget the dad, too.

If you have gifts for the mom and the baby, bring something for the father as well. Also engage the dad in the conversations - he's just as excited and anxious as the new mom!

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