Oprah Winfrey Loses 26 Pounds On Weight Watchers, Makes $12 Million After One Tweet About Bread (VIDEO)

It's true that everything Oprah Winfrey touches turns to gold, because all it took was one simple tweet about her weight loss journey for Weight Watchers stocks to soar, and for her to make over $10 million in the blink of an eye.

Winfrey became the part-owner and face of Weight Watchers back in October, and she still can't believe her own success with the program. In a new promotional video for the popular weight loss program, she revealed that she has lost 26 pounds so far while still getting to indulge in her favorite food: bread.

"Eat bread. Lose weight. Whaaattt? #ComeJoinMe" the tweet read. In the video, Winfrey then says, "This is the joy for me. I love bread. I love bread. I now just manage it, so I don't deny myself bread, I have bread every day...That's the genius of this program. I lost 26 pounds and I have eaten bread every single day."

Just from posting this video, the 61-year-old former talk show host earned the company some serious money. Weight Watchers' shares increased more than 16 percent after she shared the tweet, according to MarketWatch. Since she spent $43.2 million to own about 6.4 million shares, or 10 percent of its stock, she made $12 million off of this increase.

"Weight watchers has given me the tools to begin to make the lasting shift that I and so many of us who are struggling with weight have longer for," Winfrey said in a statement back in October. "I believe in the program so much I decided to invest in the company and partner in its evolution."

Oprah winfrey, Oprah, Weight Watchers