Stephanie Seymour Applies For Alcohol Rehab Program Following DUI Arrest

Stephanie Seymour has plans to enter treatment following her DUI last month.

The 47-year-old former Victoria's Secret model appeared in court on Tuesday for the arrest that took place on Jan. 15 after she had gotten in an accident when she backed up into another vehicle in her Range Rover. She was later arrested under suspicion of drunk driving. While in court, she told the judge that she applied to an alcohol-counseling program, according to E! News. If she completes this program, it could potentially drop her charges. Her lawyer told the judge that she was not looking for preferential treatment, but only to put the episode behind her.

During the court appearance, police described the drunken incident in more detail, explaining that Seymour was unsteady on that day in Greenwich and that her eyes were bloodshot and her breath smelled of alcohol, the Associated Press reported. They also said that she refused field sobriety tests.

"This is an ordinary first-offender drunk driving case where our experience is that most first offenders do not drive drunk again," said Phillip Russell, her attorney, according to Radar. "Ms. Seymour has been appropriate throughout this whole process and is behaving like a first offender."

Seymour was also additionally charged with crashing into a utility pole, as investigators noticed some front-end damage to her vehicle, according to People. Apparently, she hit the pole prior to her accident with the other vehicle, and she is now facing additional charged for evading responsibility and failure to drive in a proper lane. She is due to appear in court on Feb. 7 to answer to these charges against her.

Victoria's Secret