‘Star Wars’ RUMORS: Leaked Scene Details From ‘Rogue One’

As the excitement surrounding "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" continues to die down after three months in wide release, the anticipation for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," the first non-saga anthology film, begins to increase. Not much is known about "Rogue One" other than the skeleton of the story: rebel forces attempt to steal the plans for the first Death Star. We know it takes place in between "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" and "Episode IV: A New Hope" on the Star Wars timeline, and we know Darth Vader may make a cameo. We also know the codenames for the main cast. But we still don't have any concrete character or story details.

But we do have this one scene depiction from a model/actress that worked on the movie.

Jedi News uncovered this interview with Scottish super model Eunice Olumide where she describes the action she saw as a Rebel Leader in "Rogue One."

"I did a small feature in Star Wars Rogue One," she said. "That was a really awesome experience. I don't have lines but it was an incredible experience to be part of such an iconic film. I was originally supposed to play a nomad, but since I'm athletic I ended up playing a rebellion leader.

"There's a small scene where I run and there's a tank that comes after me with 20 stormtroopers. There's loads of explosions. I kept getting a fright whenever the explosions went off.

"If my scene gets cut or not cut I was entered into the George Lucas archives. I got into a 3D scanner and they did a scan. They scan all the characters so they can reproduce individual toys or computer games. I will be a toy. It was an amazing experience."

No, Olumide's comments don't offer any additional insight into the plot of the film. But they do promise an action-packed movie, one that has been described as a grounded war/heist film. That's good enough for us for now.

"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" will arrive on Dec. 16.

Star wars, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Episode VII, LucasFilm