Fitbit: Fitness Tracker Reveals Pregnancy Before Couple Confirmed They're Having A Baby

Reddit member YoungPTone sought help from other members of the online forum regarding his wife's "defective" Fitbit fitness tracker. However, instead of finding leads for possible repair or replacement, he was surprised to learn his wife was actually pregnant. The tracker had been logging readings of his wife's unusual heart beats.

"She logged 10 hours in the fat burning zone, which I would think to be impossible based on her activity level," YoungPTone wrote in the forum. "I'm not sure if something is wrong with the sensor. Is there a way to reset or recalibrate the device? I'd like to try that before I contact customer service about a possible replacement."

Reddit users offered their suggestions, but one suggestion stood out after a member described her own experience with Fitbit and her pregnancy. User Thatwasunpleasant pointed out that the wife could be with child. "I posted earlier this week a picture of how my resting heart rate was affected by becoming pregnant, as demonstrated by my Fitbit's heart rate tracker," she wrote in the online forum.

After taking a home pregnancy test, YoungPTone posted back on the thread to reveal that they were indeed going to have a baby, according to CBS News. He also revealed that they have been trying for a baby in the last few months, but he didn't think that the heart rate was part of pregnancy symptoms. He confirmed that the baby is due in October, according to USA Today.

The heart rate during a normal resting phase measures about 60 to 100 beats per minute, but a woman can experience an increase of about 10 to 15 beats per minute when she's pregnant, according to the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. During the first trimester, a woman's body functions harder because of the changes in metabolism or blood production, thus her heartbeat will increase, according to Medical Daily.

"It's definitely a great story to tell [the baby] one day about how it happened, and [we are] happy to have all the support of people on Reddit," said the beaming future dad, who has been identified as David via Buzzfeed.

FitBit, Fitness tracker, Pregnancy, Reddit, Heart rate