Polar Bear Cub At Toronto Zoo Sees Snow For The First Time (VIDEO)

This is the Toronto Zoo's newest polar bear cub. She's three months old now, and the Internet fell in love with her when she was two months old and the zoo put up a video of her learning to walk. Her wobbly steps and unsure movements are simply adorable, and they remind us that all animals, from humans to bears, start out a little wobbly and need time and nurturing to learn to stand strong.

Now, she's stable on her feet, weighing 16 pounds and feeding five times daily, and she's ready to explore! For her three-month birthday, the zookeepers let her into a snowy enclosure so she could get to know her natural environment, according to CTV News. The action was recorded and tweeted on the Zoo's Twitter account. Look at her frolic!

She seems to be loving the fluffy white stuff that she's naturally able to blend with. "She will continue to spend time outdoors daily to slowly become familiarized with the area which will become her new home," the Zoo said, reported 680 News.

Polar Bear, Cub, Bear, Snow, Toronto, Canada, Walking, Birthday, Environment, FLuffy, White