
Backpacking Baby Esmé: Meet The Parents Who Took Their Newborn Around The World (PHOTOS)

Esmé is perhaps the most well-travelled baby on Earth. Instead of spending her first year of life in one place, her travel-loving parents, Karen Edwards and Shaun Bayes, decided to take some time to travel during Edwards' maternity leave. They packed up one huge backpack when Esmé was 10 weeks old and hit the road toward Asia, New Zealand and Australia for 10 months, reported Refinery29. Their travelling exploits have been documented on Edwards' Instagram, @TravelMadMum, and on their blog, TravelMadMum.

How can the couple manage so much travel? Edwards is a nurse, was entitled to a year off, so the pair decided to take full advantage of the benefit. Bayes quit his job as a landscaper to go on the voyage, and the pair sold their car and rented out their London home to help cover the costs of the trip, reported The Daily Mail.

It seems absurd to embark on a backpacking voyage with a baby, but they say that though the trips have had their difficult moments, like all travel, the time they've spent travelling has been wonderful and so enriching for their little family.

Travel, Parenting, Backpack, Vaccinations, New zealand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong kong, Thailand
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