Montreal Canadiens NEWS: P.K. Subban Accidentally Hit Baby In Head During Habs' Open Practice

To add more pain to the team's already hurting fans, the Montreal Canadiens ran into more bad luck as a baby was seriously injured after P.K. Subban tossed a puck into the crowd that landed on the one-month-old's head, knocking it unconscious, according to CBC Sports. The baby's mother, Valérie Meloche later made the event public on Facebook to let the people involved on site to know the outcome of the situation.

Je demande votre aide! Aujourd'hui nous étions à la pratique Provigo des Canadiens de Montréal, au Centre Bell. À la fin...

Posted by Valérie Meloche Maquilleuse on Sunday, February 21, 2016

The baby was given CPR at the scene, and was later taken to the Montreal Children's Hospital, where she is in critical, but stable condition, and expected to make a full recovery.

Numerous people on social media are questioning the mother's judgment in bringing the baby to the game in the first place, but others are pointing fingers at the Habs organization. Some jest at how P.K. Subban had sponsored a wing in the Children's Hospital, and now aims to fill their beds.

"The decision to bring a month-old baby at the Bell Centre has been criticized by some shareholders this morning...," according to Go Habs Go.

The Provigo practice is open to the public, and it is normal for players to throw pucks and other souvenirs into the crowd, according to the Montreal Gazette's John Meagher. The custom of throwing pucks into the stands is expected to continue.

Subban has not publicly responded as of yet, but did thank all the fans for coming to the practice by retweeting Dale Weise.

NHL, Pk subban, Accident, Baby