George Zimmerman Had Five Guns, More than 100 Rounds of Ammunition at Home, Search Warrant Reveals

Five guns and at least 100 rounds of ammunition were found in George Zimmerman's house shortly after he was taken into police custody during a domestic dispute last week.

The search warrant from Zimmerman's latest scuffle with law enforcement was publicized on Tuesday, revealing that Zimmerman did have a KelTec 12-gauge shotgun in his possession that his ex-live-in girlfriend claimed he'd used to threaten her, according to The Day.

Police also found an AR15 rifle, three handguns, and more than 100 rounds of ammo at the Sanford, Fla. resident's home.

The 30-year-old was arrested on Nov. 18 for alleged aggravated assault, domestic violence, batter and criminal mischief, after girlfriend Samantha Scheibe accused him of shoving a long-barreled shotgun in her face after using it to break a glass coffee table. Scheibe then said that he pushed her out of the house, locked and barricaded the door with furniture.

According to the search warrant, Zimmerman spoke to officers after he was arrested, saying that he and Scheibe lived in the same home since Aug. 23, and that she was pregnant with his child. They'd reportedly decided to split up earlier that day, and Zimmerman had plans to move to Texas.

But when he started packing his things to leave, Scheibe started chucking his belongings around the house, including two of his guns.

He insisted during his 9-1-1 call that he hadn't pointed a gun at her, nor had he pushed her.

Zimmerman was released on $9,000 bail shortly after the event, when he pleaded not guilty to the charges.

A Florida judge ruled that Zimmerman couldn't possess arms, nor could he leave the state of Florida for the forseeable future.

George Zimmerman was acquitted of murder charges earlier this year, after he shot and killed unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, who was walking around the former neighborhood watch volunteer's housing complex.