Google has been expanding its Glass Explorers program in an attempt to get more people in the real-world using its bold new wearable tech venture. Now the company has announced another round of available Google Glasses for developers before the device goes to market.
According to reports from Engadget, many developers who had previously expressed interest in the augmented reality eyeware are now receiving invitations to become a part of the company's Explorer program. Mashable notes that the news comes just on the heels of the company rolling out a preview of its SDK and opening up the Mirror API to developers, which effectively gives all those who want to create apps for the high-tech specs the opportunity to do so with ease.
"When you asked us how to get Glass on this site, we told you there would be more chances to join the Explorer Program ... someday. Well, today's the day," the email read. "The sneak peek of the Glass Developer Kit (GDK) is available now, making it possible to build new and innovative kinds of Glassware. We're now inviting you, as a developer, to purchase Glass, become an Explorer and join us in taking the next step in developing for Glass."
Unfortunately for many curious developers, the Glass is $1,500, a price tag that is out of the range of many low-income fans curious to try out the device.
Google has not yet provided any concrete details as to when the headset eye device will hit the market for consumers. However, with the company rapidly increasing its Explorer program and developers being invited more and more to expand the app market, it seems Google is on its way toward something big. Whether that's a release remains to be seen.
Are you interested in being a Google Glass Explorer? Perhaps you already are? Share your thoughts about the Google Glass with us in the comments below.