Google has released a Chrome extension that allows users to search from their Chrome browser using only voice commands by activating the system with the command "OK Google."
According to PCMag, the Google Voice Search Hotword (Beta) extension is now available in the Chrome Web Store. Once installed, it allows those on the desktop to speak their commands to the browser using the "OK Google" command, which it is constantly listening for.
"This year, rather than stopping midway through to wash your hands and type in a search, you can just speak to your laptop: 'Ok Google, how many ounces are in one cup?' Et voila, the cooking can go on," Google said in a post on Google+.
Furthering the Thanksgiving helpfulness of the application, the OK Google extension can also support reminders so you can say things like "OK Google, set a timer for 40 minutes" and it will comply.
Once you download the extension, you will need to give Chrome permission to access your computer's microphone. After that a "Say OK Google" notice will appear in the search bar. When it recognizes your voice, a red microphone will appear and Google will start to dictate what you say before giving you your search results.
One complaint from users is simply that the extension doesn't work if you're working with another tab open. For those who are worried about Google constantly listening to your conversations, like many feared with the Xbox One's Kinect sensor, OK Google will stop listening for commands after five minutes, which the search giant says will help save the battery life if you're operating from a desktop. If the microphone icon is shaded, that means it's listening, the outline of a microphone means it is not.
For a more detailed outline of how the Google Voice Search Hotword extension works, check out the video below. After that, tell us what you think about Google's newest technology for the Chrome browser. Are you a fan? Comment and share your thoughts with us below.