Smart Water Pitcher Uses Wi-Fi To Self Order Replacement Filters

Amazon and Brita have teamed up to create a smart pitcher capable of ordering its own replacement water filters. In an age where everything is smart, from our cell phones to the vehicles we drive, it makes sense that there would be an invention able to keep itself stocked.

The Brita Infinity pitcher does just that. The Infinity pitcher is able to keep track of how much water goes through the filter and then, using Wifi technology, order its own replacement filters through Amazon's Dash Replenishment Service.

"Simply place the filter in the pitcher and set the indicator. As the filter starts to run low, the smart pitcher triggers a replacement order and a new filter is delivered to you right when you need it," said the Amazon product description. "With the convenience of Amazon Dash Replenishment, you will always have a new filter before you run out."

The pitcher is around $45 with each replacement filters costing about $6 for an individual filter. This is the first invention of it's kind from Brita, which often uses electronic indicators on its products, but nothing the likes of the Infinity.
