
Tinder Tests 'Share' Button On Its User Profiles; Encourages People To Play Matchmaker For Friends

Tinder announced that it is testing a "share" button feature on its dating app to allow users to share profiles with friends who might find that person interesting enough to swipe right.

The app seems to be perfect for those who like to play matchmaker, as they can now easily provide their friends with possible matches that they see on the app. This is more convenient than having to ask a friend to login and have them look for the "Patricia" or "Daniel" that they saw earlier on Tinder.

Upon clicking the share button, a link to the profile will be generated, which then can only be sent to a friend via text. The link is also equipped with self-destructing features as it will stop functioning after 72 hours from when it was shared, or after five clicks on the link.

Some people reacted skeptically to the feature, since the thought of their profiles being shared with others just seemed scary and intrusive.

Needless to say, there is already an existing way for people to share profiles on Tinder - screenshots. Hence, the feature actually saves users from filling their phone memory with Tinder profiles, as well as hopefully putting an end to user's fear that someone has their profile saved on their phone.

Besides, Tinder's aim is to give people the chance to play cupid and help their friends out in their quest for someone to be compatible with. Plus, the self-destruct feature is already the app's way of assuring its users that the links won't live eternally (unlike screenshots).

Tinder also decided to test the app, as it has been highly demanded by users.

"It was one of the most popular requests from our users so we are testing it," said Rosette Pambakian, a vice president at Tinder.

However, if you still do not want people helping and you are uncomfortable with the thought of a shared profile, Tinder has also included a disable feature, which you can set through the app's Discovery Settings.

For those who were sent a shared profile and have decided to swipe right, your profile will automatically appear in that profile-owner's recommendations. If the matchmaker was right, then you might just catch the attention of that user and get swiped to the right as well.

Tinder, Dating app
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