'Call Of Duty: Bloodlines:' Is Activision's Latest Entry Coming To Nintendo NX?

Activision is at it again...or it might be, no one's quite sure. In any case, there are rumblings that indicate that Activision is working on the latest entry to its massively popular first-person-shooter series "Call of Duty" with the latest entry in the series titled, "Call of Duty: Bloodlines."

These rumors came from a leaker, who goes by the alias "Geno," who said: "Activision plans on bringing Skylanders at launch to the NX along with the next Call of Duty game called 'Bloodlines' in Fall 2016. In 2017, the company will team up with Platinum Games to launch 'Spider-Man: The First Avenger' which will tie into the MCU movie and universe. Activision is also being given 'hard bargains' by Nintendo to have BETA access to 'Beyond Destiny,' the sequel to 'Destiny' which plans to launch Holiday 2017."

"Activision is interested in bringing Beyond Destiny to NX due to the fact you can play local and online multiplayer between units at the same time as well that the new mainline Pokémon games will not only guarantee a big NX user base but a new type of audience they can bring into the franchise," he continued. "If this deal comes into fruition, Activision will release a "complete" version of the first 'Destiny' game on NX in early 2017."

Though rumors for now, there is at least a smidgen of credibility in the assertion due to the nature of the series. To date, since the first "Call of Duty" in 2003, Activision has released a new entry to the series every single year - sometimes releasing two, one title for a console and another for a handheld or mobile. So at the very least, if Activision keeps up with this trend, a new entry would need to be released this year.

The other bit of credibility comes from the fact that Geno isn't some random leaker. He has some weight behind his words and has given away certain pieces of information about Nintendo that have turned out to be true. In the past, he revealed that Nintendo would release a Pokémon game that utilized a full 3-D engine, which turned out to be true with the release of "X" and "Y." He also revealed that "X" and "Y" would include a new Pokémon type (Fairy) and that older Pokémon would receive new abilities and forms (Mega Evolutions).

Even with a proven track record, there is still some glaring issues with Geno's assertion that some have already pointed out. Ignoring the "Destiny" comments, "Call of Duty's" track record on Nintendo consoles need to be considered. Activision has released several "Call of Duty" titles on Nintendo systems, but have since stopped due to a lack of player count. In fact, its noted that Wii U versions of "Call of Duty" never got post-launch support.

The other issue, though minor in comparison, is the title. "Bloodlines" doesn't seem to match with any of the other titles' naming schemes, which define the theme of the game. "Modern Warfare" was about modernized warfare, "Black Ops" was about black ops, Advanced Warfare was about warfare in a futuristic setting and Ghosts related directly to the concept of ghost soldiers. For the time being, "Bloodlines" doesn't fit with that theme.

As with all rumors, this should be taken with a grain of salt even if the source has a proven track record. If it does turn out to be true however, "Bloodlines" could be "Call of Duty's" triumphant return to a Nintendo system after not showing up on one since "Call of Duty: Ghosts" in 2013.

In related news, Geno has disclosed information about the upcoming Nintendo NX itself. Such information includes the fact that it will allegedly be comparable in power to the Xbox One and its analogue sticks have full haptic feedback, meaning that if a player hits a wall, the stick will respond by providing resistance in the opposite direction.

Call of duty